sweet music. random person153 what. KILLED SCARY! CELL PHONE . CNN what the heck is that. 24 scared that means I am not scared 100 adults question college can't wait! mySPACE wierd drugs I can't see how people can take that crap! wierd music a 1 with headphones on wqierd! economy I wish that we could pull out of this stinking crisis! It would help so many familys whoi is that old lady! health care I wish we could find a cure for all of the diseases that guy looks a little young to be speaking doesn't he Marine Cource sweet! Olklahoma Thunder1 rookie of the year he must be really good freshman year wow he is really young he is tall to He cried because he got drafted! sounds like a really good student to. His mother is really short! 1 year to fly sweet a pet eagle I would love to have a pet eagle to teach to fly
wickid shane
sweet post, cnn is a news show. and what is it with you people and pet eagles??
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